Court Rules & Regulations
All pagers, cell phones and electronic devices must be turned to silent before entering courtroom. Cameras are not allowed in the courtroom without prior approval by the judge.
Food, drink, gum, alcohol and tobacco products are prohibited in courtroom.
Weapons are prohibited and may be subject to confiscation.
Fines and court costs are due at the time they are assessed by the judge. Additional time to pay may be granted upon request, at the judge's discretion.
Shirt and shoes are required at all times by all persons entering the courtroom. Prohibited clothing articles include: hats, midriff baring shirts, bathing suits, hats, heavily soiled work clothes, and obscene/lewd printing of material on clothing.
During court sessions, we accept payment(s) in the form of: Cash, Cashier's Check, and Money Order. In some instances, Credit/Debit
Card payments may be made online through the state-wide CaseNet system.